fredag 22. februar 2008

Cyprus: Fig Tree Bay

Summer 2004: Star Tour, Althea Beach Hotel

This is a 4+-star hotel and it was very nice. The rooms were big and the food was very nice. At this hotel we decided to have half-board for two weeks because the food was very nice and the place was very small. ;)

The beach close to the hotel has small stones and, although it's not very fashionable, I would suggest "beach-shoes". I have always laughed at my mothers "beach-shoes" until this beach. I was the lucky one to step on a sea urchin. I didn't think it was dangerous until my son said he had learned, at the kids-club, that you had to go to a doctor if you stepped on a sea urchin. I didn't believe him until he looked really scared. I called the guides and they told me I had to go to the hospital at once. They wanted me to take an ambulance but I prefered a taxi... :)
Off we went, to the hospital. I got scared when I saw a doctor, all covered in green operating clothes, mask etc... with a CIGARETTE in his hand! Luckily it went fine and I didn't have to stay at the hospital.

Cyprus is expensive!

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