fredag 24. april 2009

Copenhagen to Chicago O’Hare airport.

When flying out from Schipol you have to go through a new security-control and interviews, before boarding , to get to the USA. In Copenhagen there were nothing.

After a 3 hour delay in Copenhagen, because of a faulty air-conditioning system, I finally landed in Chicago. With that said, SAS was a very nice company to fly long-distance flights with. Compared with KLM, the plane was a little bit smaller (2+4+2) and the bathrooms were spotlessly clean all the way! Luckily the flight was not fully booked so I got 2 seats all by my own. Fingers crossed it will be the same at the return trip!

When I reached the passport-control I saw lots of people filling in the green card. I thought I didn’t need that since I had done it at the internet. Well, people said it didn’t work. So yes, you still have to fill in the green card to get in/out of the USA. The queue was long, so I had lots of time to fill in the card.

I was not in the mood for taking the El, the train, so I jumped into a taxi. It cost me 40 USD, but was well worth it!

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