fredag 22. februar 2008

New job!

This is CRAZY, but yes, I have gotten another job. It's only part-time and it's not because I NEED it, but because I want to do it.

I have always, for a strange reason, wanted to work at a travel agency. In the summertime I applied for a part-time job at a travel agency. I didn't get it, until some days ago.... I got an e-mail and today I talked to the manager and agreed to start within two weeks. I can't tell how much I am looking forward to this.

You all know that I LOVE to travel and I LOVE to talk about traveling. I also LOVE to sit at the internet and find my flights, read reviews about hotels and book hotels. I know working at a travel agency isn't exactly the same, but it is something similar. I just feel that I have to try it out when I have the chance now. I hate to think about me being 65 and regretting that I never tried. I have nothing to loose, as I will continue being selfemployeed, I just have to book my clients "smart" and maybe work some weekends. It will be HARD but I am used to work and I really want to try this.

Everybody think I am insane, and maybe I am... But what do I have to loose? This is one of my dreams... OK, I AM a little bit insane... but what the *** ... who cares? As long as my family agree and are prepared I will work more, I don't care... Let me be insane and wish me luck with my insane life.... :-D

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